Wednesday 10 July 2019

Khayalan - University of Chester

Art and Design students from the University of Chester have staged a VR art exhibition, using Second Life as a platform to include the wider public.



The supporting blog contains a great overview of the project and can be accessed here.

It is great to see that some of my findings have been identified by someone else in a completely separate project. For example, Chris Millward (University of Chester, 2019), supervisor for the project says "With physical space often in high demand, sometimes it can be difficult for students and staff to experiment with artistic ideas or push the realms of what is possible. The virtual campus that we are creating allows us to explore ideas without “real life” costs or demands on limited space. This project focusses on visualising space and virtually curating exhibitions" which is one of the core aims of my project.

Also, statements from their students, such as - “Through this project we have gained experience in designing, building and curating an exhibition of our own work and although in virtual reality, these experiences can be carried over into the real world and will put us in a good position for when we reach our final year exhibition.” (University of Chester, 2019) - supports the benefits I identified, such as participants increase in confidence in their own work and how it can give a very real sense of learning new [curatorial] skills from the experience.

Interestingly, this is not their first attempt at virtual exhibitions. It appears that they created a similar exhibition back in 2011, but without the access via VR headsets, of course. However, some of the findings and benefits are quite similar!

University of Chester. (2019). Second Life project showcases the best in new Art and Design. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Jul. 2019].

If you are reading this blog and feel you can add something to my research then please comment… even if you are correcting me or don’t agree with something that I say.

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